An Icon stands before you!...Sits before you. It's a kobold plushie.

Let's kick this off with some Matrix Actions. Oh, wait, hang on. You'll want this for some of the examples.

Downloading Coin.png...

First, let's Analyze the Icon. To do this, make a Simple Computer + Analyze Test. Every hit allows you to glean more info on the target. Remember that if the target's in stealth mode, it will roll Hacking/Firewall + Stealth to stop you.

Simulating rolls, imagined stats: [Computer = 4], [Analyze = 3]. . . 2,5,1,4; 6,5,4. Hits: 3.

Alright! It's still your turn, so you have a chance to Encrypt your file before the Icon can try to nab it! Remember, fights still play out like they would in the real world, so you can make two Quick Actions or one Complex Action every turn. Now, let's see what the Icon does!

ENEMY TURN. Target:[Coin.png] not found. Plushie Mk III runs M.Attack on Technomancer! Rolls: 1. Critical Glitch! Plushie Mk III falls over.

Your move again! Now, let's hit that Icon back with our own Matrix Attack! This attack roll is done with the Technomancer's Cybercombat skill and the Rating of the Complex Form they use.

Simulating rolls, imagined stats: [Attack = 4], [Cybercombat = 2]. . . 2,5,6,1; 4,2. Hits: 2.

Ok, you've hit! In a real fight, the enemy will be contesting your attack with a Response + Firewall roll, but since this is practice, the Icon'll let you score a hit! Now, how to handle the damage! By default, your Matrix Attacks will deal the same amount of damage as the Complex Form you attacked with! So, since you used a Rating 4 Attack CF, your initial damage is 4. Next, you add the amount of hits you got. Again, in a real fight, this will be lowered by any number of enemy armor and resistance rolls, but for now, know you did 6 points of damage to the Icon!

Alright, let's get out of here!