The... "conflict resolution" experts of your arsenal. Good at sneaking, good at fighting, and some redundancy programs to stop enemies from dealing damage to them. When things get loud, you won't have a better friend than a Fault.
Electron Storm is a power that activates once the Fault strikes an enemy. All of your abilities come from Resonance, but... imagine Electron Storm like a controlled Dissonance cage around the enemy. The moment the hit goes through, the target's engulfed in corrupting signals and bad data. On the first turn it's inflicted and every time the Fault goes into Action Phase, the Storm will deal the Fault's rating in DV. It can be resisted by the enemy like any other attack, and even gives the enemy 2 extra dice in their armor pool... if they have armor. However, this power does not replace the Fault's normal attack, allowing for an onslaught of damage! Additionally, the target will lose 2 of their dice on all Matrix Actions, making it a great distraction/death by 1000 cuts! The only way for the target to remove the Electron Storm is to take a Complex Action and beat the Fault in a Double Response Competition.
This is not a comprehensive list of all the actions a Fault can take, but all the actions that they will be able to use as a baseline. Remember, all Sprites are capable of taking on extra Complex Forms (One for every Three Rating Points), but can not take on any extra skills!